証券コード MUC37
Muc-Off クローブラシ 単品
Muc-Off ツープロング ブラシはスポーク、ディスク、ショック、クランク、リンク、ペダルの落としにくい汚れに理想的なブラシです。独特なデザインは衝撃に強く、濡れていても滑りくい二重密度のハンドルと丈夫なナイロンの毛先を特徴としています。ツインブラシヘッドは交換や調整が可能で、狭いエリアにも届きます。
- 調節可能なツインブラシヘッド
- 頑丈ナイロン構造毛
- 耐衝撃ハンドル
Derek TGreat brush , for many places on bike especially wheels
Simon Buckleygreat brush, gets in those hard to reach places
DC9225Had before and used over a long period but finally had to replace. Sparkly bike again
Mr KenyonGreat for spokes and hard other tricky places
Mr OliverGood quality two-pronged brush. Have wire inside so they can be bent into different positions. Bristles are quite firm so I only usually use it on wheels and components and keep it away from the frame, never left scratches though.
Mr GeddesGreat for getting in the tough reach bits
jlc73Great product. This was bought to replace the same brush I had been using for many years.
John CA really handy and tough brush, very good for washing chain stays and wheels.