配送サービス - 英国
注文を受けてから通常 24 時間以内に発送します。午後 2:30 までの注文はほとんどの場合、当日出荷致します。何らかの理由で 48 時間以内に発送できない場合は電話または E メールにてご連絡します。
小さい商品や軽い商品は Royal Mail Tracked 48 にてお届けします。通常 2 ~ 3 以内にお届けする (95% で 2 日以内) 優良なサービスです。また、追加料金を払うことで Tracked 24 (95% で翌日配達) をお選びいただけます。Royal Mail Special Delivery (特別配達、午後 1 時まで)、DPD の翌日配達、土曜日配達も行っています。これらのオプションはチェックアウト時にお選びいただけます。
ホイールなどの大きく重い商品は、クーリエの翌営業日に配送されます。90% 以上の場合で発送の翌日にお届けできますが、確約は致しかねますのでご了承ください。
自転車は Parcelforce により配達されます。英国本土内の場合は 48 時間以内にお届けします。孤島などの離れた場所ではお時間がかかる場合があります。詳細はお問い合わせください。
手組みホイールはご注文後、完成まで 3 ~ 5 日、自転車は 5 ~ 7 日ほどお時間を頂いております。
英国内の Next Day プレミアム配送オプションは翌営業日のサービスとなります。金曜日のご注文の場合、翌週の月曜日のお届けとなります。 ロイヤルメール特別配達 (Royal Mail Special Delivery) サービスは土曜日の配達を行っておりません。土曜日の配達を希望される場合は、DPD Saturday 配達サービスをご利用ください。(英国内のみのサービスです。高地地方など一部を除きます)
弊社の商品の受け取り時には署名が必要です。日中どなたかが対応できる住所を指定することをお勧めします (職場など)。ローカルの区分所や郵便局でロイヤルメールを受け取るのはさほど不便ではないかもしれませんが、DPD の倉庫はお住まいの近くにない可能性もあります。不在の場合は不在通知カードを投函しておくので、倉庫に連絡して再配達または店頭受け取りをご指定ください。配送先を変更する場合は追加料金が発生することがあります。
EU 圏外の国への発送は、商品によって関税/輸入税が発生する場合があります。これらの税金はお客様負担となりますことをご了承ください。詳しくはお住まいの国の税関までお問い合わせください。
配送料 - 英国
Postage is free on most UK orders over the value of ¥12,000 depending upon weight and size, and with the exception of Bikes.
Bikes - Carriage charge is ¥3,998
オーストラリア:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: オーストラリアドル で請求する オーストラリアドル (A$) を選択してください – Prices include GST.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
オーストリア:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
アゾレス諸島:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
バレアレス諸島:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
ベルギー:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
ブラジル:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ブラジルレアル で請求する ブラジルレアル (R$) を選択してください – Prices to ブラジル do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
カナダ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: カナダドル で請求する カナダドル (C$) を選択してください – Prices to カナダ do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
カナリア諸島:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
中国:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: 中国元 で請求する 中国元 (¥) を選択してください – Prices to 中国 do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
コルシカ島:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
Croatia:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: で請求する ({Symbol.HtmlEntities()}) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
キプロス:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
チェコ共和国:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: チェココルナ で請求する チェココルナ (Kč) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
デンマーク:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: デンマーククローネ で請求する デンマーククローネ (kr) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
フィンランド:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
フランス:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
ドイツ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
ギリシャ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
香港:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: 香港ドル で請求する 香港ドル (HK$) を選択してください – Prices to 香港 do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
ハンガリー:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
アイスランド:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to アイスランド do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
アイルランド:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
イスラエル:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to イスラエル do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
イタリア:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
日本:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: 円 で請求する 円 (¥) を選択してください – Prices to 日本 do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
Kazakhstan:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: で請求する ({Symbol.HtmlEntities()}) を選択してください – Prices to Kazakhstan do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
リヒテンシュタイン:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: スイスフラン で請求する スイスフラン (Fr) を選択してください – Prices to リヒテンシュタイン do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
ルクセンブルク:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
マデイラ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
マレーシア:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to マレーシア do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
マルタ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
モナコ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices to モナコ do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
オランダ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
ニュージーランド:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ニュージーランドドル で請求する ニュージーランドドル (NZ$) を選択してください – Prices include GST.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
ノルウェー:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ノルウェークローネ で請求する ノルウェークローネ (Nkr) を選択してください – Prices to ノルウェー do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
Oman:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: で請求する ({Symbol.HtmlEntities()}) を選択してください – Prices to Oman do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
フィリピン:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to フィリピン do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
ポーランド:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ズロティ で請求する ズロティ (zł) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
ポルトガル:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
プエルトリコ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: 米ドル で請求する 米ドル ($) を選択してください – Prices to プエルトリコ do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
Qatar:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: で請求する ({Symbol.HtmlEntities()}) を選択してください – Prices to Qatar do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
ルーマニア:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
ロシア連邦:<span class="shippingPriceMin" data-shippingPriceMin="166.67"></span> から配送
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to ロシア連邦 do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
サンマリノ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices to サンマリノ do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
サウジアラビア:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to サウジアラビア do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
Serbia:<span class="shippingPriceMin" data-shippingPriceMin="166.67"></span> から配送
通貨: で請求する ({Symbol.HtmlEntities()}) を選択してください – Prices to Serbia do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
シチリア島:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
シンガポール:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: シンガポールドル で請求する シンガポールドル (S$) を選択してください – Prices to シンガポール do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
スロバキア:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
スロベニア:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
南アフリカ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: 南アフリカランド で請求する 南アフリカランド (R) を選択してください – Prices to 南アフリカ do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
韓国:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to 韓国 do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
スペイン:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
スウェーデン:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: スウェーデンクローネ で請求する スウェーデンクローネ (Skr) を選択してください – Prices include VAT.
Please note: We now ship via UPS. Customs/Import duty is included.
スイス:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: スイスフラン で請求する スイスフラン (Fr) を選択してください – Prices to スイス do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
台湾:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: 新台湾ドル で請求する 新台湾ドル (NT$) を選択してください – Prices to 台湾 do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
タイ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to タイ do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
トルコ:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: トルコリラ で請求する トルコリラ (TL) を選択してください – Prices to トルコ do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
アラブ首長国連邦:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: UAE ディルハム で請求する UAE ディルハム (د.إ) を選択してください – Prices to アラブ首長国連邦 do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
アメリカ合衆国:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: 米ドル で請求する 米ドル ($) を選択してください – Prices to アメリカ合衆国 do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
バチカン市国 (Holy See):Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: ユーロ で請求する ユーロ (€) を選択してください – Prices to バチカン市国 (Holy See) do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.
ベトナム:Free shipping is available depending on goods ordered and order value. Shipping costs will be advised at the basket/checkout.
通貨: イギリスポンド で請求する イギリスポンド (£) を選択してください – Prices to ベトナム do not include VAT/Tax, which may be charged at import. Please check with your local tax office.
Please note: Import duty may be charged, please check with your local customs office.