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Stans No Tubes Race Tyre Sealant - Quart is no longer available at Merlin Cycles. However you may find an alternative or updated product below.
Stans No Tubes Race Tyre Sealant - Quart is no longer available at Merlin Cycles. However you may find an alternative or updated product below.
No Tubes レースタイヤシーラント - クオート
This item was discontinued 18th February 2025.
If you require help finding an alternative to this product please contact customer services.
証券コード: NT-ST0070
Stan's No Tubes レースタイヤシーラント - クオート
国内、又は国際レベルイベントのピットを通ったことがあればこのラベル無しの Stans 特有の黒色ボトルを目にしたことがあるでしょう。さらにそのボトルをよく見るとこのシーラントの発明者、スタン・コジアテック本人の走り書きや成分メモが銀色マーカーで書かれているのを見たことがあるかもしれません。
おおよそ十五年間、スタン氏はその伝説とも言えるシーラントの特別レースバージョンをサイクリング界でもっとも成功を収めてきたチームのために黙々と編み出していました。自身を、そして自身が乗るチューブレスタイヤを極限まで追い込んできたアスリートたちと協力しながら独自のシーラント開発に没頭してきました。通常のシーラントに含まれる結晶量の大よそ二倍、そして XL サイズの結晶も追加してさらに大きいパンク穴も塞げるようになりました。Stans レースタイヤシーラトに含まれる大小のシール結晶が格子模様に結合して密封しつつパンク部分を強化するという、これまでにない高レベルのシール性能が生み出されました。
チューブレスタイヤを発明し、それを誰もが使用可能と量産へ導いた人たちが次なるステップアップとして作り上げたシーラントです。この特別調合された結晶の量とサイズにより Stans レースタイヤシーラントは直接タイヤに注入されなければなりません。その理由とはその素晴らしい密封性能のため、インジェクターや小さい塗布口のボトルを利用するとすぐに塞がってしまうからです。
現在このレースタイヤシーラントを世界中のライダーが購入できるようになりました。Stans レースタイヤシーラントはクオートのボトルサイズでのみ購入可能です。
- あらゆる気温や天候でも走行可能 - 高品質の低粘度ラテックスがタイヤの内部をコーティングして素早くパンクに対応
- 走行し続けられるようさらに素早く良い質のシール性能を提供 - 通常のシーラントよりも二倍のシール結晶量を含む
- レース中のパンク保護性能も抜群 - XL と通常サイズの結晶結合によって大きめのパンク穴も問題なく対処
- 環境にやさしい - 天然素材からなるシーラント
Mr Ward Easy set up and took some abuse on a mtb race
Mr Sankauskis Using this for mtb and road ,works everytimes then needed
Mr burgess have used for a couple of months now. been quick sealing the 2 small holes that i noticed , not had an issue otherwise. wld get again
Graham Used for last 18 months , no problems🤞
Mr Asprey Stans No Tubes race tyre sealant may be expensive but is the best on the market in my opinion . i ride rocky desents like Antur Stiniog & havent had a puncture yet. i would recommend this product.
Mr Hodgson It's good sealant. It has dealt with punctures better than others I've tried.
Mr Shire Topnotch product worked a treat first time happy with my purchase 😁👌
Mr Sherwin Best stuff on the market.. fast delivery and great price. Thanks again
Jordan First time I've used this and it was fairly straightforward. Added 90ml per wheel and the tyres seated immediately with use of the Schwalbe Tire Booster. No loss of air or any other issues in a few weeks of riding.
lee I researched sealants, and found this product to be consistently in the top 3. Great price at Merlin Cycles.
Mr Carnell Great sealant! Just be careful, it's the race formula so you can't add it via the valve or it will clog, best poured into the tyre.
Sam The obvious choice. No other sealant comes close. Have tried finish line, schwalbe, Stans original and none seal as well.
Mr lloyd I have used Stans sealant for many years in my MTB's and commuter bike and never had a problem,, I expect this product to be no different. No puncture's as yet.
Mr Smallwood well this fixed a persistent leak (probably tape leak) where other sealant hadn't.
Mr Richards Service and delivery was very efficient, product as always just works :-)
Peter Easy to get the tires tubeless with this sealant.
Buz Only use this for sealing tyres. Excellent product. Never failed me on the road.
Mr MYAZK The seal performance is outstanding.
E. peterson Best product I have used to stop leaks fast
Mr Glass Nielsen I have tried many types of sealant and must say that Stans this probably best I have tried
Mr Brookes good sealant, tires pinged on no problem
Mr green Paid the extra for the race sealant as is supposedly much more efficient, does appear to have a lot of crystals upon application but yet to puncture, so time will tell.
Mike Works well, It should be noted that race sealant won't work with syringe.
BARRY DIMELOW Used a few differing sealants for road use and I have had most success with this one . Highly recommend.
Philipp Difficult to fill into the tire as you can't use a syringe or remove the valve core. Plus they tell you to invert the bottle when filling the tire which will cause a big mess. Does seal well though.
Mr san pedro Excellent product. Price to performance compared to othe tire sealants stans race sealant passes my expectations
Nicholas No punctures, so can't comment on effectiveness of this product, but did a nice seal around the valve stem
neil Really good sealant
Mr C Expensive, but Stan's stuff just works. Been using Stan's since 2004 and see no need to change.
Mr Mills I haven't had a puncture so far, at least, not one that I have noticed.
Daniel Sealed my tubeless setup well, can't speak for puncture protection yet.
nelson First time using this variation of the sealant. Interestingly as I inflated the tyre it immediately sealed 3 punctures and maintained them on a 40k off road ride too. Given 1 of the punctures was right next to a grip block I was pretty impressed - other sealants have failed in such positions.
Qwiso Whizzo Best price I could find, and at only slightly more than the normal stuff, I figured I might as well give it a try. Be aware that you can't inject it into the tyre in the normal way, as it would clog your valve because it seals so quick - my initial concern about it clogging the valve if left valve-side down proved unfounded, as it still allows the tyre to inflate and deflate as normal after several weeks. Improved puncture sealing also adds greats confidence to my riding.
Brough Better choice than standard sealant if you run plus tyres over rocky terrain as you are gonna need all the gloop you can get to plug tears.
Mr Maginn This sealant is a bit thicker/ more granular than standard Stans so needs to be poured directly into the tyre rather than using the injector through the valve. No punctures yet! I got this because I had two holes in the previous two weeks that Stans didn't seal & needed to put a tube in on the trail.....messy! Hoping this works better. It's expensive though.
Mr Felstead The best tubeless sealant out there! OK it costs more but it definitely works.
Rothwell Easy to install, but no flat tyres yet so hard to say if it works better than standard sealant!