92 Results

Handlebars are a main contact point of the rider, and as such can have a huge impact on comfort and handling of your bike. As well as the shape of the bar, the material used in its manufacture can also have a huge impact on comfort. Generally, Carbon bars are lighter in weight and can offer reduced road / trail vibration but they need to be treated with a bit more care than aluminium ones
FSA Vero Compact Road Handlebars
FSA Vero Compact Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Zero 100 Road Handlebars
Deda Elementi Zero 100 Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsFSA Gossamer Wing Compact Road Bars
Full Speed AheadRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda SuperZero Aero Alloy Road Handlebars
Deda SuperZero Aero Alloy Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Superleggera Carbon Road Handlebars
Deda Superleggera Carbon Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Zero 1 Road Handlebars
Deda Zero 1 Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda SuperZero Carbon Aero Road Handlebars
Deda SuperZero Carbon Aero Road Handlebars - 40, 42, 44,& 46cm widthsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Gravel 100 RHM Handlebars
Deda Gravel 100 RHM HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsControltech CLS Road Handlebars
Controltech CLS Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsControltech CLS Gravel Handlebars
Controltech CLS Gravel HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsControltech One Road Handlebars
Controltech One Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsFSA Adventure Compact Road Handlebars
FSA Adventure Compact Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsControltech Falcon Road Ergo Handlebar
Controltech Falcon Road Ergo HandlebarRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsControltech CLS Gravel Riser Handlebar
Controltech CLS Gravel Riser HandlebarRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Zero 2 Road Handlebars
Deda Zero 2 Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsPro Vibe Track Handlebars
Pro Vibe Track HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsEnve SES AR Integrated Compact Road Handlebars
Enve SES AR Integrated Compact Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike Handlebars3T Superghiaia Ltd Stealth Gravel Carbon Handlebar
3T Superghiaia Ltd Stealth Gravel Carbon HandlebarRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsRitchey WCS Logic II Road Handlebar
Ritchey WCS Logic II Road HandlebarRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsFSA Energy Compact Road Handlebars
FSA Energy Compact Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsThomson Dirt Drop Gravel Alloy Handlebars
Thomson Dirt Drop Gravel Alloy HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Gera DCR Carbon Gravel Handlebars
Deda Gera DCR Carbon Gravel HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Gera DCR Alloy Gravel Handlebars
Deda Gera DCR Alloy Gravel HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsColnago CC01 Carbon Integrated Handlebar & Stem
Colnago CC01 Carbon Integrated Handlebar & StemRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsZipp Service Course 70 XPLR Handlebars
Zipp Service Course 70 XPLR HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsZipp Service Course SL 70 XPLR Handlebars
Zipp Service Course SL 70 XPLR HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsZipp Service Course SL-70 Ergo Handlebars
Zipp Service Course SL-70 Ergo HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsZipp SL-70 Ergo Handlebars
Zipp SL-70 Ergo HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsZipp SL-70 Aero Handlebars
Zipp SL-70 Aero HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Superzero Aero Carbon Gravel Handlebars
Deda Superzero Aero Carbon Gravel HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Superzero RS Aero Carbon Road Handlebars
Deda Superzero RS Aero Carbon Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsFSA K-Wing AGX Carbon Gravel Handlebars
FSA K-Wing AGX Carbon Gravel HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsFSA Energy Compact Alloy Handlebar & FSA NS ACR Stem Bundle
FSA Energy Compact Alloy Handlebar & FSA NS ACR Stem BundleRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsControlTech Cougar FL4 Road Bars
ControlTech Cougar FL4 Road BarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsControlTech Cougar FL16 Gravel Bars
ControlTech Cougar FL16 Gravel BarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Vinci DCR Bars Carbon Road Handlebars
Deda Vinci DCR Bars Carbon Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Vinci DCR Handlebar & Stem Combo
Deda Vinci DCR Handlebar & Stem Combo With FREE Bar TapeRRPView all Road Bike Handlebars3T Aeroflux Integrale Ltd Carbon Road Handlebars
3T Aeroflux Integrale Ltd Carbon Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike Handlebars3T Superergo Pro Di2 Alloy Handlebars
3T Superergo Pro Di2 Alloy HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike Handlebars3T Superergo Carbon Road Handlebars
3T Superergo Carbon Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsZipp SL80 Race Carbon Road Handlebars
Zipp SL80 Race Carbon Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsEaston EC70 AX Di2 Carbon Gravel Handlebar
Easton EC70 AX Di2 Carbon Gravel HandlebarRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsEaston EC70 SL Di2 Carbon Road Handlebar
Easton EC70 SL Di2 Carbon Road HandlebarRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsDeda Alanera RS Flared Integrated Carbon Handlebars
Deda Alanera RS Flared Integrated Carbon HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsThomson Aero Alloy Road Handlebars
Thomson Aero Alloy Road HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsEaston EA50 AX Gravel Handlebar
Easton EA50 AX Gravel HandlebarRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsEaston EA70 AX Gravel Handlebar
Easton EA70 AX Gravel HandlebarRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsControlTech One Riser Gravel Handlebars
ControlTech One Riser Gravel HandlebarsRRPView all Road Bike HandlebarsRenthal Fatbar Lite Carbon Handlebars
Renthal Fatbar Lite Carbon HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRace Face Chester Riser Handlebars
Race Face Chester Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRace Face Aeffect 35 Handlebars
Race Face Aeffect 35 HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRace Face Ride Riser Handlebars
Race Face Ride Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsHope Carbon MTB Handlebars
Hope Carbon MTB Handlebars - UK made carbon handlebars!RRPView all MTB HandlebarsRenthal Fatbar Version 2 Handlebars
Renthal Fatbar Version 2 HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRenthal Fatbar Version 2 35 Handlebars
Renthal Fatbar Version 2 35 HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsEnve M9 MTB Handlebars
Enve M9 MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsEnve M7 MTB Handlebars
EN443001000RRPView all MTB HandlebarsEnve M6 MTB Handlebars
Enve M6 MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsEnve M5 MTB Handlebars
Enve M5 MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsControltech One Flat MTB Handlebars
Controltech One Flat MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsControltech One Riser MTB Handlebars
Controltech One Riser MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsControltech Lynx Flat MTB Handlebars
Controltech Lynx Flat MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsControltech Lynx 15mm Riser MTB Handlebars
Controltech Lynx 15mm Riser MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsDMR Wingbar Mk4 Riser Handlebars
DMR Wingbar Mk4 Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsDMR Wingbar Mk4 35 Riser Handlebars
DMR Wingbar Mk4 35 Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsHope Carbon 35 MTB Handlebars
Hope Carbon 35 MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsDMR Wingbar Mk4 35 Riser Handlebars - Limited Edition
DMR Wingbar Mk4 35 Riser Handlebars - Limited EditionRRPView all MTB HandlebarsOneUp Components 35 Carbon Handlebars
OneUp Components 35 Carbon HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsDMR Wingbar Mk4 Riser Handlebars - Limited Edition
DMR Wingbar Mk4 Riser Handlebars - Limited EditionRRPView all MTB HandlebarsControlTech Lynx 35mm Riser Handlebar
ControlTech Lynx 35mm Riser HandlebarRRPView all MTB HandlebarsOneUp Components 35 Aluminium Handlebars
OneUp Components 35 Aluminium HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsCannondale Alloy Riser Handlebars
Cannondale Alloy Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRace Face Next R 35 Carbon Riser Handlebar
Race Face Next R 35 Carbon Riser HandlebarRRPView all MTB HandlebarsReverse Nico Vink Signature Series 31.8 Riser Handlebars
Reverse Nico Vink Signature Series 31.8 Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsReverse Nico Vink Signature Series 35 Riser Handlebars
Reverse Nico Vink Signature Series 35 Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsReverse Base Riser 31.8 Handlebars
Reverse Base Riser 31.8 HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsReverse Base Riser 35 Handlebars
Reverse Base Riser 35 HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsReverse Deviant 31.8 Riser Handlebars
Reverse Deviant 31.8 Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsGusset S2 35 Handlebars
Gusset S2 35 HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRace Face Chester Riser Handlebars
Race Face Chester Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRace Face Next R Riser Handlebars
Race Face Next R Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRace Face Turbine 3/4 Riser Handlebars
Race Face Turbine 3/4 Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsFSA SL-K Flat Carbon MTB Handlebars
FSA SL-K Flat Carbon MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsThomson Elite Trail MTB Handlebars
Thomson Elite Trail MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsSimplon 220D Carbon Flat Handlebar
Simplon 220D Carbon Flat HandlebarRRPView all MTB HandlebarsSimplon 210A Carbon Flat Handlebar
Simplon 210A Carbon Flat HandlebarRRPView all MTB HandlebarsDMR ODUB 31.8mm MTB Riser Handlebars
DMR ODUB 31.8mm MTB Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsDMR ODUB 35mm MTB Riser Handlebars
DMR ODUB 35mm MTB Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsThomson Carbon 35mm Riser MTB Handlebars
Thomson Carbon 35mm Riser MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRace Face Turbine R Riser Handlebars
Race Face Turbine R Riser HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsHope Carbon Chameleon MTB Handlebars
Hope Carbon Chameleon MTB HandlebarsRRPView all MTB HandlebarsRenthal Fatbar 35 Hi-Rise Handlebars
Renthal Fatbar 35 Hi-Rise HandlebarsRRPView all MTB Handlebars