Crank Brothers
23 Results

American company Cranks Brothers, or Crank Bros, started making clipless mountain bike pedals in 2002 with the legendary Eggbeater model. This new pedal was a welcome alternative to relatively clunky clipless systems at the time and became very popular for its minimalist design and multi position cleat engagement. As mountain biking disciplines started to differentiate, so did the range of Crank Bothers pedals with wider pedal bodies and flats also introduced to meet the needs of different styles of riding. We stock a wide range of Crank Brothers pedals to suit all styles of riding as well as some very user-friendly multi-tools to help with any impromptu roadside maintenance you might need.
Crank Brothers Klic HV Pump With Gauge
Crank Brothers Klic HV Pump With GaugeRRPView all Bicycle PumpsCrank Brothers Y-12 Multitool
Crank Brothers Y-12 MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Pixl Multi Tool
Crank Brothers Pixl Multi ToolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Highline 3 Dropper Post
Crank Brothers Highline 3 Dropper PostRRPView all MTB SeatpostsCrank Brothers Stamp 2 Flat Pedals
Crank Brothers Stamp 2 Flat PedalsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & CleatsCrank Brothers Stamp 1 V2 Flat Pedals
Crank Brothers Stamp 1 V2 Flat PedalsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & CleatsCrank Brothers Cigar Tyre Repair Kit
Crank Brothers Cigar Tyre Repair KitRRPView all Tubeless AccessoriesCrank Brothers Multi 20 Multitool
Crank Brothers Multi 20 MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Multi 13 Multitool
Crank Brothers Multi 13 MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Stamp 7 Flat Pedals
Crank Brothers Stamp 7 Flat PedalsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & CleatsCrank Brothers Stamp 3 Flat Pedals
Crank Brothers Stamp 3 Flat PedalsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & CleatsCrank Brothers Premium Cleats
Crank Brothers Premium CleatsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & CleatsCrank Brothers Mallet E Pedals
Crank Brothers Mallet E PedalsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & CleatsCrank Brothers F15 Multitool
Crank Brothers F15 MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers F10+ Multitool
Crank Brothers F10+ MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Speedier Tyre Lever
Crank Brothers Speedier Tyre LeverRRPView all Workshop ToolsCrank Brothers Y-16 Multitool
Crank Brothers Y-16 MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Multi 10 Multitool
Crank Brothers Multi 10 MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Multi 17 Multitool
Crank Brothers Multi 17 MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Multi 19 Multitool
Crank Brothers Multi 19 MultitoolRRPView all MultitoolsCrank Brothers Candy 7 Pedals
Crank Brothers Candy 7 PedalsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & CleatsCrank Brothers Mallet 3 Pedals
Crank Brothers Mallet 3 PedalsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & CleatsCrank Brothers Eggbeater 2 Pedals
Crank Brothers Eggbeater 2 PedalsRRPView all MTB Bike Pedals & Cleats