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Campagnolo Chorus Rear Derailleur - 12 Speed
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Campagnolo Chorus Rear Derailleur - 12 Speed

Dieser Artikel wurde eingestellt 5th September 2024.

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Campagnolo Chorus Rear Derailleur - 12 Speed
The Chorus 12-speed rear derailleur benefits from the same technology and design of top-end Campagnolo products, incorporating the sophistication and performances of the 12-speed Super Record and Record. With just a few changes in the materials used for its construction, the Chorus version produces exactly the same performance as the two more expensive models with the addition of just a few extra grams.
  • 3D Embrace Technology
  • Optimized trajectory
  • 12-tooth pulley wheels
  • Optimized return spring
Mr mitchell Excellent shifting, needs B tension adjustment for 11-34 use.
Mr Seedall Got this since the Merlin Record rear was only to go to a 32 cog. I am setting up a Chorus 48 32 crank with an 11-34 cassette and this derailleur will handle that. Really glad that campy is starting to make some lower gearing. I climb a lot and am getting older so its nice to have low gears.