Mountain bike helmets are essential for off road riding. They’re designed to be tough enough to take a knock and light enough to use all day long. Generally they sit low on the back of the head to ensure a comfy, secure fit which prevents movement. They’re also heavily ventilated to keep you cool when you’re riding and are easily adjustable on or off the saddle. Road Bike helmets are slimmer, smaller and more aerodynamic. They still offer more than enough protection and meet all European safety standards. Plenty of ventilation and padding improves comfort when riding for long periods of time and helps to keep your head cool. Easy adjustability means you don’t have to stop your ride to improve the fit. The kid’s helmets we stock have similar features to the adult helmets, just on a smaller scale. Comfort and fit are paramount because kids don’t like to put things on their head and if they can forget it’s there, they’re more likely to keep it on. Stylish and colourful, the kids helmets we sell appeal to young children up to early teens.